2008年11月17日 星期一

The work In class !

Hellow Wade(b9502055). Thank you for coming my blog.
The teacher says that I sure ask five question to you.
First question : What are you favorite singer?
Second question : What kind of food do you like?
Third question : Where did you come from ? And can you descibe your country?
Fourth question : How much do you make a exercise ? And what sport?
Fifth question : How did you go to school?

1 則留言:

  1. My favorite singer is 蕭敬騰. Because his vocal is special and powerful and his personality is very nice. Although he is a popular singer but he still very modest. What kind of food do I like?..uh..I very like seafood especially crab is the most. But eating crab is very inconvenient. Because the shell is very strong, so I often use hammer to hit it.
    I come from Taiwan(same as you...do I look like foreigner?)
    I like playing baseball and basketball. I play twice a week.
    I rent a house with my friend at 永和 in this sesmester, so I ride the motorcycle to school everyday~~thank you!
