2008年12月29日 星期一

In class : Running is a good investment of Time

Recently, most of people do not have enough time to exercise. Because they are working all day even weekend . Now, I give you an advice about sport which you can do easily. Running is second to none and it is a nice sport for everyone's health. By expert saying, every have to do any sport three times per week and each time must be persist more than half hour. So that your body could defeat more diseases and become more strong. You can do that anywhere anythime. Running is the fewest equipment you need.

2008年12月28日 星期日

Assignment : PeoPal2 (1)

From: yourmessage@penpalworld.com
To: b9409043@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 01:41:35 -0500
Subject: New Message (657875): Merry Christmas

Thank you for your message.
I didn't really get to celebrate Christmas this year. I had to work all day. But it's fine. I'm used to being alone. I don't really have anyone but my sister to celebrate with.
Generally we will exchange gifts and eat a big dinner with my family. Christmas for me has never been really exciting. Maybe someday someone can change that for me.
I hope that I can hear from you soon. Stay safe.

Your friend,
Dee Feral Mei Yu

Oh, by the way, my email address is deeferal[at]hotmail[dot]com It would be easier to comunicate that way


Assignment : PenPal (3)

ate: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 06:18:04 +0800 (CST)
Subject: Marry Christas!

Hi Jay!
Today is Christas! And wish you happy! Do you have any special to do or parties? It must be exiting! In my school, some people will exchang their gifts. Apple is the most usefull fruit. It represant safty!
Only in my school there is final exams as I know,but I am not clear about other universities.
The temperature here is uner zero.It's about -20 degrees.
"xiaonei.com" is not seriously a blog website. It's a stage for college students to find our classmates and meet with new friends.
Hehe , the last letter must scared you ~ I think I am a piggish girl! So I'm little fat! my BMI is 19.5. 19.9 to a boy might be little thin.
Hope you introduce the snacks in your hometown!

To:shanshan Liu
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 00:45:56 +0800 (CST)
Subject: Re: Marry Christas!

Marry Christams!!!
Today is a special day and everyone will celebrate.
People will change their gift each other. Do you?
In Taiwan, we have a big dinner including KFC, McDonalds, soft drinks, cookies, fried something, many candies, or chaing dishes ... etc (few roasted turkeys).
After having dinner, we do some actions.
For example, singing popular songs, changing presents each other, sometime go to mountain (Ching-Tian Mound of Yangmingshan) and through around.
In one word, we have a very nice day.

By Jay

Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 18:18:42 +0800 (CST)
Subject: ~~

You really had a good time ! I envy you ! Cause I didn't have so many parties or activities like you did! I only saty at my room with my roommates!
Sweet dreams!


Assignment : PenPal (2)

To:shanshan Liu
Date:Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:45:53 +0800 (CST)
Subject:Reply email from Jay

Hi , ShanShan .
I think you are right ; the middle exams are important !
In china, there haven't middle exams each semester,or you have done?
And You have final exam next month? I wish you can get a great score.
You live in the northeast China. Oh , it's so far and must be very cold for all months.
The lowest temperature are over 0 degree in each Taiwan's city.
So there have snowed at somewhere high mountain in winter.
If the weather is cold (10 to 15 degrees) , sometimes I wouldn't leave my warm bed.
And you?
Flying kite is an nice recreational action , it let people feel relexing and happy.
I had made a kite by my self before, but it disappeared. Because we always clean our house when new years coming.
And next you say that you can not enter the website I gave you.
That so bed because that is my only one blog. Maybe it blocked all ip which belong to china.
"Xiaonei.com"...I didn't know it before you tell me. But I can search it on the Internet. The Internet is very convenient, right ?It seem to be a blog(), and very popular in china. So I guess you have been using that blog, right?
In Taiwan, there are many delicious food at night-market. And I not only always interest in eating also I eat a lot. But I think I am thin (BMI just 19.8). Do you know BMI? I think it is an internal index which we can judge someone who fat or not. Next time I introduce some night-market's food which I like to you.
Wish you can pass all class and happy every day.

Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 13:25:09 +0800 (CST)
Subject: it's cold here!

Hi Jay!
It's really cold here.Usurally under 0 degree.
oh ,sorry I have to go to class! So talking to you next time !
ps: haha ~~~~~~
I like eating!!! Always crazy eating!^^

Assignment : PenPal (1)

To:shanshan Liu
Date:Wed, 03 Dec 2008 23:54:16 +0800 (CST)
Subject:Hello ShanShan !

Hello ShanShan, I'm very happy for receive an e-mail.
At first, I think that I should say sorry for replying your e-mail so late.
Recently, we have some middle exams in NTUST and I should prepare.
How about you? Do you have exam in China?
Oh...I forgot to told you my name and something about me.
Perhaps you had been heard my name before or you knew someone was called this name. My name is Lin Ying-Jie(林英傑) and English's name is Jay which I use my chinese name Jie, but my english teacher says that Jie isn't a english name and if you want to use pronounce 傑, you can use Jay. My hometown is Hsinchu Chit in Taiwan and it have a popular nickname "The Windy City(風城)" for its windy climate. When I was a child, I took kite-flying with my brothers, sister , parents and my neighbor in Hsinchu Nanliao Fishery Harbor. If you want to know something more, you can take a reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hsinchu or http://en.hccg.gov.tw/
And you? Where do you come from?
Now , I am a senior student study from department of Information Management of school of Management in Nation Taiwan University Science and Technology (NTUST for short).
The NTUST is an university in Taipei and its area are smaller than most of other. In the school, we walk from building to building. I think that every school in china are very big because there have very very big land.
And I will look forward to your e-mail, too!!


Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2008 22:11:05 +0800 (CST)
Subject: Re:Hello ShanShan !

Hi,Jay !
Really happy to hear from you ! hehe ,don't say sorry. Study is more important!
Moreover, it's the middle exams! Right?!
Certainly ,we have the final exams each sememster.My exams will be next month .
My name is 刘珊珊!I have no English name .I think it's difficult for me to find out a particular name! So I'm lazy! and I'm waiting......
I'm from Changchun,Jilin province,the northeast China. The weather here is cold! Very cold! Haha and there is snow! I study in Jilin Normal University ,in Siping,near Changchun.Only one and a half hour by train.There are many universities in Changchun ,but I think it is not big.And the city I study is also small.Only one university here,Siping.
My major is physics and I'm junior.
You like flying kite?! Haha~~ I like it ,too! I remember that I had a fish kite gone without my parents,there were only my little friends, and it was a mindy day.The wind was too strong, the kite was real flying!So I lost my favorite kite,also the first one!
Do you know the "xiaonei.com"? I can't see the website you had told me either your blog!
It's late !
Nice talking to you !
Good night!