2008年12月28日 星期日

Assignment : PenPal (2)

To:shanshan Liu
Date:Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:45:53 +0800 (CST)
Subject:Reply email from Jay

Hi , ShanShan .
I think you are right ; the middle exams are important !
In china, there haven't middle exams each semester,or you have done?
And You have final exam next month? I wish you can get a great score.
You live in the northeast China. Oh , it's so far and must be very cold for all months.
The lowest temperature are over 0 degree in each Taiwan's city.
So there have snowed at somewhere high mountain in winter.
If the weather is cold (10 to 15 degrees) , sometimes I wouldn't leave my warm bed.
And you?
Flying kite is an nice recreational action , it let people feel relexing and happy.
I had made a kite by my self before, but it disappeared. Because we always clean our house when new years coming.
And next you say that you can not enter the website I gave you.
That so bed because that is my only one blog. Maybe it blocked all ip which belong to china.
"Xiaonei.com"...I didn't know it before you tell me. But I can search it on the Internet. The Internet is very convenient, right ?It seem to be a blog(), and very popular in china. So I guess you have been using that blog, right?
In Taiwan, there are many delicious food at night-market. And I not only always interest in eating also I eat a lot. But I think I am thin (BMI just 19.8). Do you know BMI? I think it is an internal index which we can judge someone who fat or not. Next time I introduce some night-market's food which I like to you.
Wish you can pass all class and happy every day.

Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 13:25:09 +0800 (CST)
Subject: it's cold here!

Hi Jay!
It's really cold here.Usurally under 0 degree.
oh ,sorry I have to go to class! So talking to you next time !
ps: haha ~~~~~~
I like eating!!! Always crazy eating!^^

